Friday, May 01, 2009

Classic Montana hiring problem

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away called Montana I worked in their University System. I actually remember President Malone, who served before Geoff Gamble at Montana State University. I also sat in enough meetings with Gamble to know he was a pretty good guy.
That makes me very interested in both the decision to retain an outside consulting firm and the call for a change agent as reported in today's Bozeman Chronicle.

The code seems to be that they want someone who can raise money, not spend money, and be a leader of a complex campus system. At the same time, the big problem they are likely to run into is money. University President's are much better paid in most states that Montana, and at some point a view of the mountains just isn't enough of an attraction, particularly in a state with shifty political winds when it comes to higher education.

It will be an interesting process, and probably will happen largely under the radar not for a lack of transparancy, but simply because watching decisions get made in higher education is like a cricket match. If you're going to watch the whole thing you are going to be there a long time, and most of us are just interested in the outcome.


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