Thursday, August 17, 2006

The big five

As I'm looking at the marketing plan there are many, many stakeholders. It is one of the things that makes it difficult. But I'm also struck by the question, "What differences make a difference." For instance, I know an adult student is very different than a 17 year old prospect. They need different communication. But as I start to look at targets is a prospect from South Carolina significantly different than a prospect from South Dakota. More importantly are there reasons for choosing or not choosing us important. As one adds donors to the list this gets even more interesting.

Right now I'm starting with the premise of the big five: General (all audiences, the community at large),Admissions, Advancement (alumni and fundraising), Athletics, and Music. These seem to be the ones in the most desperate need of a marketing plan and as I think about who is stepping on whose toes these seem to be the players on my campus - who am I missing?

My theory that some of those I have missed, like academics, I have missed because they don't market directly. We desperately need their involvement in marketing and we even need them to sometimes make marketing sensitive decisions. However, I think the plan has to distinguish at some point and having worked at three institutions I know getting that group exciting about this process is easy - but getting them to do the grunt work is hard. Right now, I need grunt work.


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