Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Telling the story over, and over, and over

Yesterday I had an interesting visit with the campus leader. At the end, basically I said "You have to remember that about the time we get sick of a theme the general public is just starting to get it." I think this morning I had an object lesson in how that applies not just to marketing messages but in telling the message of the importance of marketing.

This morning I got an email from a senior leader who I have had this discussion with a few times. In a way, it is even issues within his division that led to the process, yet I got the vague sense this morning that one of the issues in the email is that he is still not sure how this will benefit him or his part of the college. I believe it will, but I've done a poor job of communicating the benefits to him.

It's a good lesson for me to look back and say I need to always talk about the benefit of acting according to a campus wide marketing plan and not letting people get mired in the process of creating the plan.

In a way, I wanted to get frustrated and throw up my hands - but in the end I think it's just a good lesson of what needs to be communicated. Either that or the prozac is working.


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